Midges on Sunday

It’s finally stopped raining, the grass is almost knee high, but it’s Sunday, so no grass cutting today. Living here in the Western Isles, Sunday is a day for resting, reflecting and definitely not noisy striming ones grass. And in any case the midges are biting and the wild flowers growing in drifts throughout the plot of land look wonderful

Jjust a few photos of what’s growing here at the moment all being watched over by Olli the cat. If the wind would only pick up a little here I’d go for a walk in this wonderful sunshine, but you can’t have everything!

Author: 40puddlejumper

Living in the Outer Hebrides - Walking and overthinking and then not walking while I’m overthinking. Sometimes poet, sometimes taking photos. Always willing to learn something new!!!

12 thoughts on “Midges on Sunday”

  1. Scottish midges are the worst! I was once bitten so badly in Braemar that you could hardly tell it was my leg, from the amount of itchy bites on it. Teach me to wear shorts in Scotland!
    Many thanks for following my blog.
    Best wishes, Pete.


    1. Hi, Midges are really small flys that bite and gather in massive clouds on damp days, Scotland has more than its fair share of them!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh my.. I was way off.. lol! I have been bitten by what I called horse flies. Not sure that was what they really are called but they were bigger. It was around a stream in Utah. We were wanting to cool off in the water and they seemed to come from no where. It was miserable.. Thank you for setting me straight..

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